The Training Camp (part 5 )


Part 1-2 Link
Part 3-4 Link


Carter was given 15 min, but all three of them returned after 30 min, cater was still on the ground holding his balls, but you could notice that pain was subsiding. 

Samantha lifted him and took her to the bed in the corner of the room. Even the slightest touch made the pain increase drastically. Samantha rubbed her on his head.

Samatha” are you, okay Honey, baby, look at me, know their restaurant has a unique chair you have to sit on a chair, and it has a machine called Sybian machine it is super impressive, it made me cum three times in just 10 mins. “

Carter replied, "okay, whatever ever you liked."

Kat said, "so Samantha, now we will tease him as this will relax him and make him learn how to last longer. it even checks whether there was any permanent damage or not, as damaged people can't produce pre-cum   ”

Melinda added, "doing alternate ballbusting and teasing makes his balls stronger. Ballbusting puts press on testicle to compress and teasing him will make the ball expand, making the wall of testicles stronger."

Samatha replied, "okay, I got it, but how can I stop him from cumming? He literally can't last more than 2 min even if he has ejaculated more than 10 in a day."

Kat replied, "this is the challenge you have to learn when to stop and make him suffer on edge."

Kat pulled out a  cup with a line drawn on it. She told Samatha that this line was 150 ml and the minimum amount of precum needed before the start ballbusting session again. She told them not to worry about how long the teasing takes but to concentrate on the teasing.

Kat started to lube up her hands and started to stroke Jason's cock slowly. After about a few minutes, there was a small drop of precum on the tip of Jason's cock. Kat stopped and from the base of his cock squeezed up, and the drip got a bit bigger. She showed Samatha how to gather the drop and place it in the container. Kat started to stroke again.

Soon there was another drop of precum; this time, Kat stopped and told Samatha that not all precum needs to go in the container. She told Samatha to get a taste of her husband's precum. Samatha licked the tip of his cock, and the taste was sweet. She smiled and said she enjoyed it as it was better than his Cum. Kat said, "okay, since once he has filled the 150 ml, it is yours to do with. Some women drink it, and some toss it; some use it for themselves to masturbate.

Kat went on to tell Samatha that getting precum is nice and slow stroking as Kat started to stroke Jason's cock. Getting him to the edge of cumming is when he will produce the most precum for you. We need to keep him about one to two strokes away from cumming. What I have shown you now is just his initial precum production. Soon he will be dribbling out precum.

After a few minutes, she was right. Carter Was breathing heavy, and his cock was oozing precum. Kat places the container on his stomach to catch the drops of precum. Soon there was a repeated drop of precum out of Carte's cock. Soon there was a thin layer of precum in the bottom of the container, about 10 ml. 

Kat stopped and said there are all other ways to tease him, but hand stroking is the easiest to gather precum. Kat (she was naked ) got up on him and lowered her pussy just so the tip of his cock was in her pussy. Carter Watched as the tip of his cock went in her  pussy; it felt tight but great sensation. Kat instructed how to slowly lower herself onto his cock. Soon her whole pussy was holding his cock. While she was sitting there with Jason's cock in her pussy, Kat said that this is an excellent method to tease, but all but impossible to gather any precum. So feel free to use it a lot. 

Kat started riding 

Oohh ….Aaahh……Oohhh….." Kat moaned as she

felt her muscles contract over his penis, creating immense pressures

for both of them.

This made Samantha even wetter. 

After a few minutes, she lifted herself off Jason's cock, and it was a good stream of fluid that came out of her pussy. Kat said while that is precum, it is also your fluids, so we cannot fill up the container. Next, Kat had Betty suck his cock. Again she said this is an excellent method to tease and get the directions from the tap precum. It cannot be gathered.

Kat instructed, "that in-between you can hit his balls so his mind has diverged the pain from the pleasure .but if he is at the edge do not hit testicle it because it might bring him over the edge."

Melinda  said, "Carter don't you dare  to cum, or else every female candidate in the campus will get 2 chances to hit in there, and I doubt you will be able to handle it."

Kat and Melinda sat on the chair and saw how Samantha handle herself while they were masturbating. 

Samantha went on to stroking his cock, and soon there was a constant drip of precum. Carter noticed the container was now empty. He asked why it was now empty. Samantha laughed, saying that Kat needed to use it as lube when he was in her pussy. Samantha keeps teasing and gathering his precum.

Carter was on edge again, and there was a steady drip of precum into the container. After about hours, it was almost full, Samantha stopped and took his cock into her mouth, and for the next 30 min, all the precum went straight into her mouth.

There was a knock at the door.


Kat opened the door. There was a woman (mid 30) with a firm breast and a great muscular body. She entered the room, followed by a man, probably her husband. His testicles were an enormous kind of purplish-blue at the top and red at the bottom.

She said, "Hi, everyone, my name is Anna, and this is my husband, Max. We were in day 5th tease and denial course. He cum so hard that our tutor has punished 5 hits per female on the campus. He is on his 195th hit. Would you guys like to complete his punishment ?"

Kat said to Samantha, "hey, you should go first as we do this every time; it will new experience for kicking some else balls to complete their punishment."

“Okay, I excited,” Samantha replied 


- Aaaaarrrrggghhhh.

The sound echoed in the room. His legs gave away, he fell forward and to prevent to fall over he put his hands to the floor. 

Anaa: "196, ooooohhh... that was hard, are you okay, baby ?"

He (Max) replied while getting up, "yes, but hurts baby so much."



“AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!! Please... Please..”




She stuck him again quickly. His whole body was trembling as he fought to stay standing.




“AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!! Please I cant.....”




“AAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Ouch! Owwww. My balls”


He cried out as his legs shook. She(Samantha) saw a look of panic in his eyes but did not feel sorry for him; she enjoyed it.


She stepped back as it was the 200th kick for him. She can see the swelling has increased, plus you could see the deep red color on your bottom sac. His testicles are taking the kicks well. 


Samantha said, "It is nice to see the damage I have caused. How are you holding up?"


He (max) said, standing and holding his ball in pain, "I hope they work after the punishment."


Anna: "of course they are, and they will, and be a gentleman and give other ladies their balls."


It was now Melinda's turn, and she was always ruthless during the punishment. 


She grabbed them with her hands and scrutinized them. They were very swollen, and lightly squeezing them as a test brought the tears back to his eyes. "They'll be okay," she says.


Melinda threw a hair tie down onto the floor and said to him. "wrap that around your balls nice and tight. We are not done yet."


The hair tie was quite tight, making his swollen balls even more giant, pushing it ahead of his penis, and zero chance of escape. 



He cried out as she landed an incredibly hard one that trapped both his testicles. As the balls compressed, he felt a sharp, stabbing pain in the core of it as if rupture his balls. he was rolling on the floor

"Come on, stand up. That was just the first, four more to go," said Melinda.  

Anna, while rubbing his back, "come on, honey, you can do it, breathe and get up ."

Max immediately stood up again. 

Melinda "man!! , you are obedient to your wife. I like such men, for your this gesture, I will kick you lightly, okay."

Max, "a… thank you …"

Anna was feeling proud of her man. 





aaaarrrrggghhhh. After the final kick, His legs gave away, he fell forward, and to prevent it from falling over, he put his hands to the floor. 

These made Carter worry because he would never take that much to his tactical without losing his balls; Samantha was stroking him continuously, the precum. increased 

Anna "come on honey, let this  other lady(kat) do her part, so we can leave and make them free."

While max stood up, you could see a lot of pain on his face. 

Kat said, "don't worry, man, I will make this quick for you."








"Ooo my god, "he shouted. 

He immediately grabbed them and made sure they were both intact. He was so relieved it was over. It was painful, but he took off the hair tie and placed it on the floor. And went again into the fetal position.

Anna, Kat, Melinda were having a chat while Max was on the floor recovering. 

Kat proposed an idea "why don't anna bust carter's balls so he gets the taste of punishment and does what he is told to do so."

Melinda agree "yes, yes, why not,  while Max is recovering" 

Anna replied happily, "really that will be an honor. Can I do a mallet ceremony?"

Samantha asked eagerly, "what's a mallet ceremony?" 

Melinda replied, "it a training where men are taught not flinch, in that his balls are first applied the cream, so they hang low, and they are placed on that desk. Then the partner uses the mallet and hits in the ball but not every time she might hit him with the mallet. She might not move at all, or she might try to fake him out. We are going to go until he learns to keep his ball on the table ."

Kay said, "but I don't think, so he is ready, it's his first day, yes he done better than other males, but I don't think he can width stand this." 

Samantha confidently said, "he will do it; he a strong man." 

So said it in a tone that wanted to prove it, Anna, that carter is more obedient. 

Carter gasp. "There is no way. The mallet is too intense; I won't be able to stay in position after a hit."

Samantha replies. "It's okay if you move after she's hammered the balls. I just don't want you moving in anticipation. I want the balls to remain nicely in position until the actual pain arrives. So you didn't trust me? 

Carter said in a low voice, "...I do …"

Smack! A swift slap,


he was holding his balls while on the bed. 

Samantha said, "then stop talking."

"Okay then, how about 7 attempts, and if he flinched, the clock resets," Melinda said 

The arrangement was made; Carter's penis was out of the way, his hand was tied.

Kat brought the cream and hand over to Anna; Anna then sexily rube the cream,

It was not that bad for the first minute, and then all hell broke loose on his. Balls.  They were burning up. He felt that they were on fire.  He yelled and tried to get free to no avail.

After about 10 minutes of hell, Samantha walked up and rinsed them off so there would be no greasy residue left on his balls.  By now, his balls were as low as He had ever seen them.

Try could now freely lie on the table.

"I'm ready when you are. Start counting." Anna said

"1...2….3", the mallet descends, and his balls suffer.


His nuts hurt so bad He was not able to breathe for several seconds. He was holding his testicles. 

"Put the testicles back in their position!" Samantha said 


He was in great agony, hoping she(Anna) does not. Hit him this time. 

He counts again, "1….2...3." 

She took aim with the mallet and sent it towards his testicle. As it struck, the ball compressed under the mallet before returning to its original shape. This caused the mallet to almost bouncing off his left testicle. As this happened, he closed his teeth and screamed through them. He felt an instant shock of pain take over his lower as it had just hit his left testicle.

"Aaaarrrrggghhhh… my left ball, my left ball!!!!! "he started shouting while rolling on the floor. 

Anna said," I am sorry in excitement. I missed the aim." 

After a couple of minutes, Samantha lifted the cater up and placed his balls on the table. 

Anna did not hit him in the ball for the next three-time, she just acted, but carter did not flinch. 

Melinda appreciated" he is doing good, what a gentleman." 

Again she swung the mallet, and now it landed on this right testicle. Everyone liked how it bounced back once it had transferred all the force onto the ball. 

Carter shouted out while tears flowed down his cheek "Arrrrr, ouch. God, that hurts, now it right one."

Anna, "oh no, I might have missed the target again; I am so sorry."

Melinda "okay, come only last one, let's finish it."


slamming it into his ball much harder. No words this time, Carter just screamed "Arrrrrrrr!" until his lungs emptied of air. She did it both dead on with maximum force. 

This time carter was just rolling on the floor as nothing came out of his mouth. 

Both Max and Anna left the room; they gave carter some time to get ready for another 3-hour bb session. before they can call of the day 

let me know if you guys want Part 6


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